martes, 7 de julio de 2009

Crash con los copos de nieve

Es una suspicacia mía, pero me parece que no tengo nada que decirte.

Has la intravenosa perfecta, practica gestos frente a un espejo, escóndete…

El color es soporífero…El color de la habitación. Nosotras lo sabemos. Pones “Atlanta” y tratas de encantarme con sombras espasmódicas, con rasguños, con un llanto irresistible…

Compláceme esta pieza tal vez vuelva a pensar en ti...

She lives in the bungalow
She kills me with rose garden thorns
She waits for me
My love is unusual
It's painted with roses and thorns
With her I'm complete
She lives by the wall and waits by the door
She walks in the sun to me
She lives by the wall and waits by the door
She walks in the sun to me
Visions of Mexico seduce me
It goes to my head so carefully
Memories of candles and incense
And all of these things remember these?
She comforts me when the candles burn out
The cake has grown mold but the memories are sweet
The laughter's all all gone but the memories are mine
The Mexican princess is out of my life
No you don't get it
You'll never get it
No you don't get it
I want to see through you, now!

…Shiii shiiii shiii shiii(silbido)…

me suelto, canto muda…


ya me olvide de mi.